Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Indonesia motorcycle online

Attitude is not expressly related government presence online transit to trigger a clash between conventional public transport driver with the driver online. Transportation expert from the University Tarumanegara Leksmono Putranto Suryo said, no one thought when protests conventional public transport drivers lead to horizontal conflict fellow driver. According Leksmono, is the impact of the lack of government's firm stance on the development of transport beraplikasi. "Horizontal conflict has long been the case. The conflict today is the mirror of the insecurity of the driver. The government must be firm," said Leksmono when contacted Sindonews, Tuesday (22/03/2016). Chairman of Research and Development of the Jakarta Transportation Council (Libang DTKJ) that said, it is the underlying conflict between the driver's horizontal inequality rates are, not the application. Because, before their Uber, Grab and so on, a number of taxi companies have adopted applications. That is, he said, the solution is not to close alikasi. The only one who can do that is to lump all tariffs, so that people can still benefit. "The central government or the area must sit together with Organda, Uber, Grab, and so on. Organda evaluating tariffs, there is considered overpriced trimmed. Uber, Grab and so offered the opportunity to equalize the rates that have been evaluated. If you do not want ya ban Uber and Grab operates, "he said. Previously reported, did not accept a number of colleagues to get the violence by unscrupulous taxi drivers conventional, dozens driver Go-Jek and Grab Bike sweeping action in the area of ​​Taman Anggrek, grogol petamburan Tens of thousands pengojek online every day pacing the streets of major cities in Indonesia. So how can the presence of motorcycles online, such as Go-Jek, Grab Bike, Lady Bike, GrabTaxi, Ojeks Jeger thrives in this Republic?   Djoko Setijowarno transportation expert said, despite the rules clearly state that the motorcycle is not public transport, in fact, two-wheeled mode of transportation could generate purse money through the service of his services.   Ojeks considered the only practical transportation that can break through dense traffic in major cities.   "While Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or Ahok approved motorcycle online operations in Jakarta, the number of direct driver continues to grow. Finally had gone too far, From the data of the Ministry of Transport (MoT), online-based transportation pengojek basis has exceeded about 20 thousand people. This online pengojek scattered in several major cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Bandung, Bali and others.   "Makin too far because there are no firm action from the Ministry of Transportation and the Police on motorcycle-taxis operating online. Though public transport taxis not meet safety standards. Instead, make a horror," said Djoko.


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